May 4, 2020 Design Bits May the Fourth be with You! Yes, May the Fourth be with You! Here are some amazing artworks of the women of Star Wars, both light and dark, to commemorate this day I apologize in advance for not knowing where some of these came from.
April 9, 2023Design Bits Every UX / UI designer should know these 14 websites As a UX/UI designer, staying up-to-date with the latest tools, resources, and design trends is essen Read More
April 5, 2023Design Bits The revenge of the pop-up Check out the latest 32 little updates, that are actually pretty big improvements for your design wo Read More
April 5, 2023Design Bits The hibernator’s guide to the galaxy ONE DAY IN 1992, near the northern pole of a planet hurtling around the Milky Way at roughly 500,000 Read More